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Paul McCallum and Vivien MacKieu
Margaret's Glen
[RBCD1038]   -   2 in Stock
Paul McCallum and Vivien MacKieu - Margaret's Glen
Voice & Cello combine to bring to life the music collection of Margaret Fay Shaw that celebrates the area of North Glendale & South Lochboisdale on the island of Uist. Our impression is that Margaret collected the songs from the 1930s until the time of her death, in 2004, aged 101 years, noting that some had changed in the interim period. Mod Gold Medalist Paul McCallum's relaxed singing adds to the picture the words & music paint.

Disk 1 : O Mo Dhuthaich, Till an Crodh, Faigh an Crodh, Bidh Sior-chaoineadh, Taladh Choinnich Oig, Gur Tu Mo Nighean Donn Bhoidheach, A Mhor Thromanach, A' Ghaoil, Lig Dhachaigh Gu M' Mhathair Mi, Ho Ro Gun TogainnAir Ugain Fhathast, Tha Mi Sgith M' Onaran, O, Co Bheir Mi Liom?, O Ho Nighean, E Ho Nighean!, Cha n-eil A Chuis A Cordadh Rium, Cuigeal Na Maighdin, 'S ann Di-luain Ro' La Fheill Mhicheil, Fail O Ro Mar Dh' fhag Sinn, Diridh Mi Stuc Nan Creag, Ho Ro Gur Toigh Linn Anna!, A' Bhean ladach, An Gille Donn, Taladh Ar Slaniar (Instrumental), Tha Mo Dhuil, Tha Mo Dhuil


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