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Mod Gold Medal Winners
Mod Gold Medal Winners - Gold Medalists All - Volume 2
[BRHCD64]   -   Out Of Stock
Mod Gold Medal Winners - Mod Gold Medal Winners - Gold Medalists All - Volume 2
The second volume of vintage recordings of Mod Gold medallists features a wide variety of talent. Sit back and enjoy another nostalgic collection of some of Gaeldom's finest singers including Calum Cameron, George Clavey, Alasdair Gillies; Calum Kennedy.

Disk 1 : An Teid Thu Leam, A Rhibhinn Oig (Archie MacLean), Fagail Bharraigh (Calum Cameron), A Fhleasgaich Oig As Ceanalta (Joan MacKenzie), Morag A Dunbheagan (George Clavey), A Pheigi, A Ghraidh (Calum Kennedy), Leis An Lurgainn (Alasdair Gillies), An t-Eilean Muileach (Neil MacLean), Feasgar Agus Ceo Ann (Mary Sandeman), Ho Mhairi, He Mhairi (Calum Kennedy), Gaol Nan Cruinneag (Archie MacLean), Mo Mhaithair (Alasdair Gillies), Foghnan Na h-Albainn (Calum Cameron), A Nighneag, A Ghraidh (George Clavey), Oran Hiortach (Joan MacKenzie), O Theid Mi Gad Amharc (Neil MacLean), Theid Mi Dhachaidh (Mary Sandeman)


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