Mairi MacInnes

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Mairi MacInnes - Causeway
Mairi's first album Causeway was produced by Phil Cunningham and recorded at REL Studios in Edinburgh. It was well received by the critics. Runrig followers will enjoy Clachan Uaine, a song written...(more)
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Mairi MacInnes - Gràs
More than a decade on from her last solo release, the much admired Orosay, South Uist-born Gaelic singer Mairi MacInnes, a former winner of the Mod Gold Medal, launches her new album Gràs (Grace)....(more)
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Mairi MacInnes - Orosay
Solo and accompanied, traditional yet gently up-to-date traditional Scots Gaelic songs from this stunning Mod gold medallist from South Uist. With some great backing singers and musicians.
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Mairi MacInnes - This Feeling Inside
Uist-born Mairi MacInnes has sung with Runrig, Mouth Music, and this solo album places her among the top Gaelic and English singers.
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Mairi MacInnes - Tickettyboo
Mairi is well known for both Gaelic and English singing, and she has three previous solo albums to her credit. This collection of songs for children is great for Gaelic learners young and old.. .and...(more)
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