£14.95 UK (inc. VAT) £12.46 Rest of World
Various Artists
Global Bagpipes
[EUCD1752] - 3 in Stock

Two CDs showcasing different forms of the bagpipe from around the world. As well as Scotland's bagpipes there are the Gaida of Greece, the Tulum of Turkey, the Ney Anban from Iran, the Bulgarian Gayda and many more. 31 fascinating tracks in all.
Disk 1 : Bandari dance, Morkinskaya 2, Darchini, Tulum solo, Singethistos, Gaida of Macedonia, Daybreak melody, Preludju, Medley, Kalendar I Zita, Instrumental pice for gayda, Bethlehem, Medley of Romanian tunes, Dance tunes from Slovakia, Pruuditants pakrilt, I have a darling / Turn wheels, turn..., Abi Divi, Brudmarsch fran Dalby
Disk 2 : Tarantella di Alessandria del Carretto, Cavallara, Latexos de Paxaro, Muneira de Tormaleo, Les chansons de Henri, Valse de ce temps-la, Suite de tours, Flip die vleugelt, Wings / Marie's Wedding..., Kopenitsa (Bulgarian dance), Ffarwel i Aberystwyth, Air, Sliabh geal goua