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Various Artists
Songs of the Sea [Stephen McDonald]
[SMPCD1006]   -   2 in Stock
Various Artists - Songs of the Sea [Stephen McDonald]
Not so much sea shanties as contemporary songs with a strong nautical flavour. Featuring some great songwriting talents and some top-class performances.

Disk 1 : Silver Sea (The Garrison Brothers), Fisherman's Son (The Rankin Family), Bay Of St. Ann's (Max MacDonald), Black Rock (Rita MacNeil), Let Me Fish Off Cape St. Mary's (Denis Ryan), Rollin' On The Sea (Brakin' Tradition), Flow Time (The Barra MacNeils), Atlantic Blue (Ron Hynes), Sea People (Richard Burke), Believing In Better (Lennie Gallant), Make And Break Harbour (Stan Rogers), Atlantic Queen (Tom Leadbeater)

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